Literature teaches us how to live. Literature makes the reader visit places, experience events, meet people, listen to them, feel their joys and sufferings. In order to understand the importance of literature in our life, grade 3 to 5 conducted literature week from 15th July to 20th July, 2019. On the occasion of Literature week the following competitions were held:
“Spelling is important because it aids in reading. It helps cement the connection that is shared between sounds and letters.”
Spell bee competition was organized on 15th July 2019. There were 18 students qualified for the semifinals and the competition was judged by Ms. Safana banu . Ms. Haifaa and Ms. Manjali facilitated the smooth organization and execution of the event. It was a wonderful learning experience not only for the participants but also for their peers as it enriched the vocabulary bank of the students.
Poetry recitation is a mode of expression, a medium to reflect the talents of the young ones.
PRESTIGE International School organized Choral recitation competition on 16th July 2019. All the classes put in great effort too prepare for this competition with poems of different genre. This event was co-ordinated by Ms. Haifaa and Ms. Manjali and was judged by Ms. Sharmila Kumar This competition turned out to be a great success as the students got the opportunity to collaborate and work, learn about expression, rhythm and hard work to present something beautiful with confidence
This was the message conveyed y the students of grade IVC of PRESTIGE International School in their special assembly on 18th July 2019 on the occasion of the literature week.The assembly focused on the need to arouse the requirement of reading and education in today’s world through a comedy skit, action song and a video. The assembly also included the ramp walk of the book characters where we could see all the characters come to life on the stage
At PRESTIGE International School, we strive to foster a love of reading both in school and home. Mystery Reader was implemented on 18th July 2019 to show students that adults love reading too and so we invited parents, to come into their child’s class to read a children’s story. We thank the parents for their support in helping us enhance the love of reading at Prestige School.
“Libraries are the time machine where knowledge flows and magic is eternal”
Libraries are the best way to inculcate the reading habit in children. To gain the importance of reading Students of class 3 of PRESTIGE International School Visited a book shop called “Crossword” in Forum mall and Students of classes 4 and 5 visited Corporation Bank Library on 19th July 2019.
The students were guided by their class teachers and the outcome of this visit was fruitful as students came up with the initiative that they would read atleast a paragraph in a newspaper or one small book per day.
“Handwriting is an imprint of the self on the page”
Handwriting Competition was held on 19th July2019 for the students of grade 3rd to 5th. It was conducted to encourage students to develop their handwriting skills. The criteria for the judgment were Neatness, Letter formation, Spelling errors and relationship to line. All the students participated and made an attempt to improvise their handwriting skills