Report on general assembly (15/11/22)
Grade: 8C
“ science is a way of Thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge”
Grade 8C conducted General Assembly on wonders of science on 15 th November 2022 Tuesday
The students of grade 8C showed the uses of science in our life through skit, experiments, dance and quiz.
• Assembly is hosted by Hrithik.
• Essence of the day presented by Mohideen Aban.
• Quiz was conducted to the students by Syed Muhammad and Ashray S Shetty.
* experiments were shown on air pressure, air pressure and friction and metal is a good conductor of heat.
• Fermentation, Photosynthesis about Physics etc. was shown through the skit and dance by 8C girls.
• Winners of various competitions were honoured.
• Assembly came to an end with the Principal’s address.